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Core Beers

At Zerodegrees, we believe you should be able to see, smell and taste. Our strong core beers has exceeded the standard of fresh craft beer since 2000. We love the beers we brew and it inspires us every day. Each of our craft beers are crisp, clean and a true example of its style. Each sip is bold and full of flavour with a strong core! Much like us.

Perfekt Pils

Sunset Calling Pale Ale

Every Day Session Lager

The Black Lager

Speciality Beer


29-31 Montpelier Vale
Blackheath, London SE3 0TJ


9 Bridge Street
Reading, RG1 2LR


53 Colston St
Bristol BS1 5BA


27 Westgate Street
Cardiff, CF10 1DD

So Good Mango

Merry Berry Sour

Winter Waltz

New Zealand Lager

So Good Mango

Merry Berry Sour

Winter Waltz

New Zealand Lager

So Good Mango

Merry Berry Sour

Winter Waltz

New Zealand Lager

So Good Mango

Merry Berry Sour

Winter Waltz

New Zealand Lager

Our Brewers

Simon Gueneau


Pawel Mekarski


Mini kegs

ONLY £24.95

Zerodegrees' 5 litre mini-kegs are perfect for any occasion or even if you don't have one. Take one with you and enjoy the Zerodegrees experience whenever you want.


How long will a 5L keg stay fresh for?

Once opened and as long as you can keep it in the fridge as much as possible we can last around 3 days.

How many glasses of beer can I enjoy from a Mini-Keg?

There are just under 9 pints.

Is it an environmentally friendly product?

Yes, the packaging is 100% recyclable. It is also extremely efficient considering that one single keg holds five litres of beer. For easy disposal, the empty packaging with the tap pipe can also be thrown out with the household bin.

When I try to draw beer, all I get is foam, why?

This is usually because your Mini-Keg is not cold enough. It must be placed in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours to ensure the temperature of the beer in the keg is around 5°C. Even though the keg usually feels cold to the touch when it’s refrigerated, this is because the metal exterior becomes cold much more quickly – it doesn't always mean that the beer is actually cold enough. For the perfect pour, make sure you open the tap pipe quickly and completely when drawing beer.

COLD PROCESS final product raw ingredients hot process brewery pipes connect to bar maturation & serving tanks 3 FERMENTATIONTANK yeast is added hops goin here cold wort heat exchangeR hot wort whirlpool brew kettle lauter tun mash tun water filter malt hopper grist hydrator MALT mill